Senin, 23 Januari 2012

Reduce Neck Wrinkles

Reduce Neck Wrinkles with Home Remedies

The fine thin soft creases on neck appearing horizontal are referred as venus’s ring. The vertical wrinkles are quite hard when compared to previous neck wrinkle variant. The neck wrinkles can be treated with home remedies like mask made from pineapple, fuller’s earth and banana etc.
Neck skin is very delicate when compared with rest of the body. This is the reason why the aging sign wrinkles starts appearing on neck swiftly. There are few other factors that augment the wrinkles such as sun exposure, smoking, excessive skin dryness and unbalanced diet. Getting rid of neck wrinkles can be accomplished by bringing in change in daily routine like regular skin care, applying sunscreen, quitting smoking, eating nutritious balanced diet and maintaining adequate intake of water. These fine creases on neck cannot be completely abolished from the skin but can be controlled as well as reduced using home remedies.

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