What you put on your plate can impact your skin as much as any cream. Find out what a dermatologist says you should eat for healthy, clear skin.
fyou want a smoother, clearer complexion, Jessica Wu, M.D., assistant clinicalprofessor of dermatology at USC Medical School and a dermatologist in LosAngeles, encourages you to toss all six of these fortifying Feed Your Face foods into yourgrocery cart.
TomatoesDefinitelyone of your skin’s best defenses, tomatoes contain a powerful antioxidantcalled lycopene. While studies have not yet been entirely conclusive, manysuggest that lycopene may be responsible for helping to protect the skinagainst sun damage.
Lycopeneis best absorbed by the body when it has been cooked or processed, so eatingtomato sauce, tomato paste, and ketchup is likely to be more effective thanjust eating raw tomatoes when trying to safeguard your skin against harmful UVrays. Lycopene is also fat soluble, which means that it is absorbed more easilywhen consumed with fat, such as eggs, avocado, and olive oil.
Red Meat
Sometimesit gets a bad rap, and even though red meat does contain saturated fat andcholesterol, lean red meat is one of Dr. Wu’s favorite Feed Your Face foods becauseit’s so high in protein and zinc. In fact, recent studies suggest that red meatmay be even better at treating acne than antibiotics.
Toproduce collagen, your skin needs the amino acids glycine and proline, and theprotein in red meat has the highest concentration of these two amino acids. Themineral zinc is also crucial for collagen production. “It’s an essential cofactor,”says Dr. Wu. “Without enough zinc, it’s difficult for the skin to makecollagen. Plus, zinc is a natural anti-inflammatory.” And vegetarians don’tneed to miss out. Dr. Wu adds that high concentrations of glycine can also befound in seafood, proline in cottage cheese and cabbage, and zinc in lentils,kidney beans, and raw oysters.
Green Tea
It’sno secret that green tea is an antioxidant powerhouse. Its strong anti-inflammatoryand anti-aging effects are attributed to its high concentration of catechincompounds. Studies have shown that green tea can be used both orally andtopically to help protect the skin from sunburns and UV-associated skincancers. Research also suggests that drinking one cup of green tea twice a dayover the course of six months may actually reverse sun damage and significantlyimprove any problems you have with redness and broken capillary veins.
Green Beans
Aslong as we’re going green, let’s talk about how these low-calorie beans canhelp you grow thicker hair and healthier nails. Green beans are a star Feed Your Face food becausethey’re one of the richest sources of silicon — not to be confusedwith silicone,which is found in bad lip jobs and breast implants! The USDA has not yetestablished recommended daily intakes (RDIs) of silicon, but 10 mg per dayseems to be adequate for strengthening hair and nails, according to recentstudies. Dr. Wu recommends choosing organic green beans, since they retain moresilicon from the soil. Don’t like green beans? You can also get your siliconfix from volcanic mineral waters such as Volvic, which contains 14.5 mg perliter.
Usuallyit’s salmon that’s synonymous with omega-3 fatty acids, but did you know thatwalnuts are also incredibly high in omega-3s? If you’re concerned with redness,swelling, blotchiness, acne breakouts, or wrinkles, walnuts may be your newbest friend. Plant-based omega-3s, such as the ones found in walnuts, arenaturally anti-inflammatory; they can help seal moisture into your skin andprotect it from chemicals and other toxins. In particular, the alpha-linolenicacid (ALA) in these omega-3s can work to combat the dryness associated withaging that leads to wrinkles. But don’t stop with walnuts; you can alsoincrease the amount of plant-based omega-3s in your diet by eating almonds,olive oil, and flaxseed, too.
Notonly is it the main ingredient in the best smoothies, yogurt is a naturalprobiotic, which means that it helps replenish the “good” bacteria in your bodyand keeps yeast in check. This can come in handy if you have gastrointestinalissues or you’re prone to yeast infections, but what does it have to do withfeeding your face? Well, according to Dr. Wu, yogurt is an excellent Feed Your Face food fordealing with acne breakouts, eczema, and even dandruff. Just be sure to choosea low-fat and low-sugar yogurt, since sugar can aggravate inflammation. And ifyou think your breakouts are related to dairy, Dr. Wu suggests skipping theyogurt and going straight for a probiotic supplement instead.
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