Rabu, 01 Februari 2012

Dry Skin Solutions

Staying hydrated this season

Staying hydrated this season
by Anne T. Donahue
Now that the temperature’s plummeting, you’re even more at the mercy of sun, weather and above all, windchill. So before you find yourself combatting sunburns, dehydration and frostburn’s aftermath, we’ve come up with a few simple ways to keep your skin looking healthy. Consider this your go-to for dry skin solutions.
SPF Preventing sun damage is the easiest way to keep skin healthy, hydrated and, more obviously, skin cancer-free. A pre-emptive approach to dry skin solutions, using a daily moisturizer with an SPF of at least 30 will stop premature aging and keep your face free of wrinkles, with its barrier against harmful UVA and UVB rays working to keep moisture locked in (and cancer-causing agents out).
Body Butter
As we’re all well aware, fall and winter’s harsh environments can make skin a perfect breeding ground for flakiness, dehydration and even eczema. So to prevent the sad realization that your skin’s officially moisture-free, begin using body butter (with all-natural ingredients like Vitamin E, cocoa butter and coconut oil) every morning after showering to prevent the dreaded mid-season misery. Thus, by committing to a daily regimen, what started out as a dry skin solution will soon simply be an act of maintenance.
Bath Bombs
Believe it or not, you can combine dry skin solutions with a way to relax, since bath bombs can offer both a burst of moisture with a reason to take some much-needed downtime. Often infused with cocoa butter and honey, bath bombs (like those sold at Lush) are an easy way to re-invigorate the skin and also the mind – just make sure not use super-hot water, since it can leave skin even more stressed and dehydrated.
Sometimes the easiest dry skin solutions are those we’ve known about our whole lives, and thanks to the tried-and-true scrub and loofah, you can exfoliate skin daily, thus reducing dead cells, flakiness and that infamous scaly feeling. But while it can be tempting to scrub enthusiastically, whether using a body bar, shower gel or loofah, it’s important to treat skin gently to avoid traumatizing: otherwise, you’ll find yourself doing damage-control on top of battling the elements and their effects.

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