Jumat, 30 Maret 2012

Tips For Your Hair

* If you have thin hair then do not dry your wet hair, let them dry. And after some dryness use blow dryer for few minutes.
* There is also another way to keep your wet hair strong. After shampoo dry your hair by towel, then apply jell and do the brushing and let them dry.
* If you have brownish hair then after shampoo wash them with tea water this way your hair color will have be beautiful with happy shining.

* If you have fats in your hair, then wash them every day to keep them healthy and strong.

Kamis, 29 Maret 2012

Removing Eye Makeup

Use simple Vaseline (petroleum jelly) to remove your eye makeup. In your daily life use simple to be simple.

Tooth Paste For Acne

Girls who will apply plane tooth paste on acne, will remain in peace with neat & clean face beauty.


Make Your Hair Shine With Vinegar

Hair are one of the most important part of women's beauty. To make your hair shine you have one easy home remedy. Apply white vinegar for your light color hair and for black or dark brown hair use brown vinegar.
With these simple home tips hair shine will remain intact also hair will get healthy and strong. 

Titanic Kate Winslet Now More Pretty

Titanic Kate Winslet now became more pretty since she was 22 years of age when castes in Titanic, about 14 years ago. Now she is at age 36, more charming and stunning look.

Rabu, 28 Maret 2012

How To Banish Blackheads.

Blackheads are pores on your skin that have a wider opening than usual.these large pores are easily get filled up with "skin garbage" so latter turned on as black mass known as a blackhead. Oily skin get more blackheads. At teen age forming of black heads are more frequent.
here are simple way to banish blackheads:

1. Cleanse your face regularly by washing, obvious there will be no dirt so no blackheads. For this purpose you should use cleaning lotions to get your skin clean.

2. Scrub away your dead skin cells, so there will be no place to form blackheads.

Selasa, 27 Maret 2012

Body Scrub At Home.

As prices for every product and services are continue to skyrocket, so many people are using the products around in their home and enjoying the beauty at very low prices.

* Make body scrub by mixing 1 cup of sugar and 1 cup of olive oil. The sugar will work well for removing dead skin, while the oil softens the skin.
* Apply and rub the scrub on your skin with fingers of loofah starting from your feet to whole body, also to face by fingers while keeping your shower off.  Then wipe clean with damp towel.
* Apply olive oil to your hair with light massage. This will add moisture and softness. Then wash with shampoo. Then comb your hair thoroughly.
Then apply skin lotion or cream to to your whole body and face seal in moisture to keep you fresh for hours.

Senin, 26 Maret 2012

Make Your Nose Look Smaller

A broad or wide nose can be smaller and thinner in appearanceby right makeup techniques. For this purpose you should use foundation which isone shade more dark than the your natural skin by the sides of your nose. Drawalong the sides a firm make up brush gently, starting from the inner corners ofeyebrows and reaching at the sides of nostrils. In the end apply a lightershade foundation down to the bridge of nose. By simple makeup technique yournose will look smaller and sharper and you will look more pretty.


Minggu, 25 Maret 2012

Worlds Most Beautiful Birds

God Created The Most Beautiful Birds, some here pictured.

How to care your nails

1.   your nails are healthy if your are taking healthy food.
2.   Put rubber gloves while your nails remains more of the time in water.
3.   While you Gardening then please do not forget to wear gloves. this will keep you protect you all the way along.
4.    During watching watching tv, moisturize your hands and nails with your favorite hand lotion. this will not only relaxing, also helps strengthen the nails.
5.   Do nails trimming by weekly.

6.   Apply olive oil daily on nails for their shining and strength.

7.   A good nail polish also gives nails beauty, shine and protection.

8.   Never bite your nails by teeth, keep emery nail file with you.

Jumat, 23 Maret 2012

Water To Reduce Weight

If you became fed up going to crash diet programs and exercise Gyms then have the benefits of new research. This is the simple tip but of most beneficial.

By drinking one or two glass of plane water before meals, keep your hunger  at average level also reduce weight by some pounds. Due to recent research, formed two groups for a period of 12 weeks.

Fist group of people drink every day 3 times plane water before meals while other group of people not.

Those people who drunk water before meals were lost 5 pounds of weight. Reason is simple zero calories water filled the space in stomach so reducing hunger. This way people feels less hunger so less eating. Recent observations show that a woman need eight to nine glass of water every day, while a man need thirteen glasses of water every day.
Water is one of the most essential part of our diet. There is famous saying drinking water before meals is Gold, during meals is Silver and drinking after meals is Lead.
If you have reasonable weight then you look smart and beautiful. So make the habit of your eating,  drink water before every meals.

Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

Are you more slim

Do not worry if you are more slim than average. Here are simple tips to eat simple and natural foods. And you will be happy to gain good looking weight:

* eat daily 7 pieces of large dried grapes.
* eat daily 4 pieces of fresh banana.
* cooked liver 3 times a week, this will produce more blood.
* take daily some Dates with milk.
* take daily fresh fruits.   

Selasa, 20 Maret 2012

Tips To Reduce Obesity

Here are the few simple tips much effective ones to reducethe Obesity:

  1. In the morning before breakfast drink honey in Luke warm water, this way fats will be reduced.
  2. In the morning drink one glass of little warm water mixing in lemon juice will melt the fats.
  3. In the morning and after lunch take lemon green tea, this will also melting the fats.
  4. Lemon pickle also beneficial for reducing obesity.
  5. Drink lemon tea after dinner.
  6. Use cooking oil instead of ghee (saturated fats).
  7. Avoid of excess of Sugar, Sweets products and Rice.

Senin, 19 Maret 2012

Beautify Your Eyes Look

Spacebetween your eyebrows should be the same width of your eyes. And start wherethey line-up with your nostrils. This way your eyes and brows will be in rightratio and balance placement to beautify your look.

How To Apply Fake Eyelashes

For good holding of fake eyelashes, put more glue on the edges of the lash also blow to get this little dry. This will hold for a time  as you want.

Minggu, 18 Maret 2012

Great Tip for Dry Lips

Here is a great simple tip for your dry lips. Apply daily 2 - 3 drops of olive oil into your navel cavity and do soft massage with your finger softly, for little time. This way softness of oil will reach to your dry lips. You will get rid off lips dryness surprisingly. and do not forget to feed me back as this is one of the most effective tip.
This is equally beneficial both for men and women. This also make digestive system good. Mustard oil can also be used.


Simple Tip To Make Your Skin Super Soft

Apply few  drops ofany oil you like on your body right after the shower . This will have wonderfuleffect on your all skin, making this soothing and super soft.

Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012

Prevent Eye Shadow Creasing

If youwant to avoid eye shadow from creasing, then try to eliminate as much oil fromyour lids. For this purpose you should apply eye shadow base, or may be pressedpowder before applying eye shade color, so this way your eye shade will notcrease to keep your pretty look.

Jumat, 16 Maret 2012

How To Make Dramatic Eyes

If youwant to make your dramatic eyes then try liquid eyeliner. Use small eyeliner brushwith angled bristles. Your eyes will look dramatically beautiful look.

Cooling Skin Inflammation

Rose & Lavender work surprisingly very effectively incooling skin inflammation.

Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

Tips For Hair Dandruff

If you have dandruff then acne will appear on your face.  Hair roots become week. So we should try someuseful natural  tips to remove dandruff.

·        *  Massage  Coconut oil on head hair.
·        *  Also by massaging Milk Curd, dandruff will be gone.

These simple tips will remove dandruff, sooth and shine your hair.

Rabu, 14 Maret 2012

Goat Milk For Your Skin

Goat Milk can be called a complete food. Its chemicalcomposition surprisingly familiar with mother’s milk.  This has protein and essential amino acids, contains less fats ascompared to cow milk, also do not produce fatty fibers in the body.

Goat Milk due to its chemical composition and Hormonesconsider to be a natural tonic for human skin.

Goat Milk contains Calcium, Phosphorus, Sodium, Potassium,Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B12, and hydroxyl acid, biotin and collagen, these allplay important role in human health. Goat milk has very important alphahydroxyl  which maintains the propermoisturizing in skin and remove dryness. So keep skin fresh and nourishing.Protein, Amino acids and Vitamin A are much important for better nourishment ofskin. Beta Hydroxyl acid  gives new lifeand shine to skin of older aged people.

Goat milk’s PH similar to PH of human skin so protects humanskin from germs and lethal chemicals. This one of the best natural skin tonicand moisturizer for skin.

Many soaps are being manufactured goat milk and used forsensitive skin. Goat Milk has various benefits particularly on human skin andcommonly on human health. Skin always remains fresh and nourishing, removeswrinkles and whitening the skin. Egypt Queen Cleopatra was also used Goat Milkwhile shower to beautify her skin.

For Your Natural Sleep

For healthy and natural sleep do the following:
  • Do the light exercise daily, especially brisk walking.
  • Massage with Poppy Seeds Oil at all scalp particularly above the ears.
  • Take some fruits daily.
  • Reduce the use of Tea and Coffee.
  • Never take sleeping pills. 
  • Try to sleep mostly towards right side, this way you will have less stress on stomach and heart.
  • Adopt the natural things for your healthy, happy and beautiful life. 

Selasa, 13 Maret 2012

Herbal Tonic for your Eyes

For improving your eyesight you take every night before sleep:
Almond 5 Pieces.                                                                           

Fennel Seeds half tea spoon.

Crush with teeth thoroughly and after this do not drink water.  And go to bed.
Day by day your eye sight will be better and mind will be sharpen. Also add Carrots in your daily salad food.