Selasa, 17 April 2012

Causes Of Uneven Skin

By the lattes research this is known uneven skin or pigmentation caused mainly by Melamine produced by skin.
This can be due to various factors:

*   Due to skin disease like eczema.
*   Too much stay and exposure to the sun.
*   If not use sunscreen regularly.
*   Hormonal decrease or increase.
*   Due to some prescribed drugs.
*   May due to chemical peeling.
*   facial products which are more greasy.
*   If your SPF is lower than 15.

To avoid these all you must use anti-inflammatory skin products, like tea tree oil,
 If you have oil skin then use anti-oxidants, specific oil control creams and lotions which may give your face beautiful tone.

Skin Beauty Care Tips

You need to take care of your health as a routine and follow certain beauty care tips especially for the care of skin. In the condition of the dull look of the skin, the over all appearance is also affected presenting a tired look of the individual. You must take appropriate steps to overcome the condition. It is mandatory that you involve regularly in skin toning and exfoliation activities.

Use the scrub for at least two times a week for proper exfoliation. Use the paste of fresh yoghurt, almond, dry basil leaves, lemon juice and the peel of fresh orange. Apply the paste on the face and let it remain there for ten minutes. Wash it off with substantial amount of water. In case of dry skin, you should use a face pack for two times a week.

Toning of the skin is achieved with the application of rose water on the face with the help of cotton balls. You should repeat the application by massaging the entire face and particularly areas around eyes for proper toning of the skin. It erases the feeling of tiredness of the skin, which becomes vibrant in the look.

Senin, 16 April 2012

Colored Contact Lenses

You can buy colored contact lenses without any prescription. But before buying you must know the size of your cornea, diameter and base curve as your contact lenses can be fit into your eyes properly. so discomfort and damage can be avoided. Also before wearing you must know that your eyes have no infection.

This is also important you select those contact lenses which have higher water contents 55% or above. this way oxygen supply to your eyes will be good keeping them hydrated and fresh.

Also important to select good quality contact lens solution, so infection to eyes can be avoided.
yes sure your beautiful look is important, but you always have quality consideration before using contact lenses.

Minggu, 15 April 2012

Remember To Remove Your Makeup Before Sleep

If you are having wonderful makeup on your face and you also tired but before sleep you should remove your makeup. Because your skin cells need to breath again during over night sleep. Do not forget simple tips in your life to make your life easy and pretty so always remember to remove your makeup before sleep.

How To Remove Mouth Bad Smell

Various mouth fresh are available to remove the mouth bad smell. Sure these are doing well, but you know what is the cause of mouth bad smell, this comes mainly from stomach. Here is simple solution for mouth bad smell. Every day eat some one tea spoon of fennel seeds after meal. Within few days your mouth bad smell be eliminated and your mouth breath will be fresh and cool. Also tell to all people this simple tip.

Jumat, 13 April 2012

Apply Mustard Oil After Shower

Summer warm weather is coming, and you will shower multiple times a day to relief you from heat. But this way you will dries out your skin and will loose your natural moist. To replenish this just after shower before using towel, apply some drops of olive oil preferably mustard oil on your all skin. You will have wonderful smooth soothing skin all the times with almost zero cost.


Kamis, 12 April 2012

Make Your Own Home Lotion

Do not buy costly lotion.  Make your own home lotion, this is one of the best natural lotion, you will feel the difference.
you need the following:
* Half cup distilled water.
* Half cup oil. (you can choice, almond or olive oil).
* One table spoon Lecithin.
* 5 drops of Geranium oil.
* some Vitamin E, as this is very good antioxidant.
Mix all the ingredients in a home blender. and your best lotion will be prepared for your face, hands and body to make them beautiful at ease.